What is the timeline for a Herpes Cure?

The most frequently asked question in our community? What is the timeline for a Herpes Cure? When will there be a herpes cure? There have always been companies working towards better treatments, vaccines, and cures for HSV-1 and HSV-2, and many have failed. But recently two events changed the possible timeline for a Herpes cureContinue reading “What is the timeline for a Herpes Cure?”

Current Herpes Cure Research at Fred Hutch Cancer Center

The reason Herpes Cure Advocacy was born, the Herpes Simplex Virus cure research at the Jerome Lab at Fred Hutch Cancer Center provides great hope. Research at The Jerome Lab is on a sterilizing cure, developing a gene therapy to fully eradicate HSV-1 and HSV-2. So far, Dr. Keith Jerome and team has removed overContinue reading “Current Herpes Cure Research at Fred Hutch Cancer Center”

Latest Herpes Cure Research Projects

Updated as of 4/18/21. These are herpes cure research projects, of which we are aware, that are either in clinical trials currently or have expressed intent. For the latest timelines, news, videos, and dialogue on Herpes (HSV) cure research projects please join the Herpes Cure Research Reddit group. 1. The Jerome Lab at Fred HutchContinue reading “Latest Herpes Cure Research Projects”