Koda’s Patient Story

My diagnosis with HSV-1 was traumatic. It was a result of a date where the other party did not disclose their positive status. They had the virus for 10+ years and knew about it, yet did not tell me. When she revealed this to me, after I had already been exposed several times, it was too late. I tested as soon as I could, and it came back positive. When I heard the news, I was at work and shaking. I could barely function and was disassociated for weeks. I had suicidal ideation and almost made an attempt on my life. 

Since having been diagnosed, dating has been near impossible. This virus has impacted my life immensely. In public social engagements, I am paranoid of inadvertently giving it to someone else through a shared glass or utensil. On my health (mental and emotional), I struggle to function when an outbreak occurs. I want to break down, cry, and still I often think about self harm. It doesn’t matter how common the virus is, there’s trauma, health risks, and for many, considering taking their own life from the suffering and pain.

There needs to be action. There needs to be funding for a vaccine and a cure. To save lives and begin repairing the damage to millions of people on their health and their future, and to end the suffering for so many.

I don’t want to be by myself forever and I have teetered on the edge of taking my own life several times because of this virus. There is new technology out there for treating illnesses and new research showing this virus has more detrimental health ramifications than just a few bumps. A vaccine to COVID was developed in record time. No more excuses. There needs to be action. There needs to be funding for a vaccine and a cure. To save lives and begin repairing the damage to millions of people on their health and their future, and to end the suffering for so many. No. More. Excuses. Just like how the polio vaccine was sold for $1, because the inventors knew that the public health was more important profit. It’s time to make a new vaccine and treatment for HSV in the same spirit of Polio and be rid of this virus.

One thought on “Koda’s Patient Story

  1. My story is the same as Koda’s. I was dating someone who was infected and didn’t disclose he had HSV for over a decade. I am a professional, divorced, financially secure woman- my dating life is now non-existent. I should be enjoying my life but I am despondent and considered self harm. People like me, who are now positive, are afraid to speak out because of the stigma, but millions of us are suffering in a true life-or-death way.

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